
Recognizing and Raising Awareness for 预防自杀月

By: Chris Morris, MSPAS, PA-C, Behavioral Health Consultant

9月是预防自杀月, an important time for raising awareness and promoting understanding of a critical issue that affects countless individuals worldwide — suicide. 自杀率持续上升, it is vital to acknowledge 预防自杀月 as an opportunity to learn, 支持和行动.


预防自杀月, 每年九月观测, serves as a platform to shed light on a topic that often remains shrouded in stigma and silence. It provides an opportunity to reach out to those who are struggling, educate communities about risk factors and warning signs and advocate for accessible mental health services.


自杀影响着社会各个阶层的人, 不论年龄大小, 性别或社会经济背景. 它给家庭带来了深远的影响, 朋友和社区, 造成无法估量的痛苦和悲伤. 了解导致自杀的因素, 比如精神现金足球网哪个好状况, 社会孤立和生活压力, is very important in developing effective prevention strategies.


Mental health plays a pivotal role in suicide prevention. 营造一个支持性和共情的环境, where individuals feel safe discussing their feelings and seeking help, 是至关重要的. 促进心理现金足球网哪个好包括破除神话, encouraging open conversations and reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness. By treating mental health with the same importance as physical health, we can create a culture that prioritizes well-being and early intervention.



Strengthening protective factors like resilience and connectedness can significantly contribute to suicide prevention. Resilience enables individuals to bounce back from adversity, 建立应对机制,并在需要时寻求帮助. Creating opportunities for connectedness within communities, schools and workplaces helps combat the sense of isolation that can contribute to suicidal thoughts. 支持关系, 无论是和朋友, 家庭或心理现金足球网哪个好专家, play a vital role in fostering hope and offering assistance.


预防自杀月 is an ideal time to teach ourselves and others about suicide risk factors, 警告标志和可用资源. Increasing awareness equips individuals to recognize when someone might be in distress and helps reduce the fear and hesitation often associated with discussing suicide. Education should also encompass promoting self-care practices, stress management techniques and strategies for seeking help.


Suicide prevention is a collective responsibility, and everyone can play a part. Landmark Health has a full team of behavioral health specialists that can assist in caring for patients at risk for suicide. The team includes medical social workers that can assist with connecting patients with community resources; licensed clinical social workers that can provide brief, evidence based behavioral health interventions aimed at stabilizing symptoms and connecting patients to community based resources that can provide on-going behavioral health support; and Behavioral Health Advanced Practice Clinicians  who are available to provide consultation on behavioral conditions and / or to provide medication management to stabilize symptoms while working to connect patients with community behavioral health providers.

In addition to reaching out to the Landmark Behavioral Health team, here are some additional actionable steps you can take:

  • 接触: if you suspect someone may be struggling, reach out to them and offer your support. Simply showing that you care can make a significant difference.
  • 倡导精神现金足球网哪个好服务: support policies and initiatives that improve access to mental health resources and ensure adequate funding for mental health care facilities and services.
  • 共享资源: 传播有关求助热线的信息, crisis centers and support groups to increase awareness of available resources within your community.
  • 参加活动: engage in local or virtual events organized during 预防自杀月, 比如散步, 网络研讨会或小组讨论. These events provide opportunities to learn, share experiences and connect with others.
